First Day of School
Welcome back to the new 2023 school year and a big welcome to our new families. After a restful break we are looking forward to supporting the students and their families throughout the year.
The student assessment days at the beginning of the week were very productive, enabling our staff to get to know their students, prepare for their planning and programming, catering for their individual needs.
There was great excitement as our students and families ventured back for the start of school. It was wonderful to welcome our new prep Students and their families. The welcome back morning tea was well attended as parents reconnected for the start of the year. The Preps have all settled in beautifully, working and playing throughout the day with great enthusiasm and confidence. We are blessed with new students and families at St John's this year across different year levels.
Year 6 Jumpers
The Year 6 students were very excited to receive their new school jumpers today. The new rugby style jumper looks great and they all wore them very proudly.