Digital Technologies
Students engage in rich learning experiences using technology and devices that develop their digital literacy. All learning areas have access to iPads, Chromebooks and interactive whiteboards. There is a 1:2 ratio of iPads from years P-2 and 1:1 ratio of Chromebooks from years 3-6. Students have a confident understanding of Google Apps for Education and the tools are integrated into many curriculum areas.
Engagement through devices and use of technology is embedded into different learning areas where teachers support and encourage students to investigate, communicate and create.
We follow the new Digital Technologies curriculum, that has an emphasis on students knowing how computers think and how to program technology.
There are three core strands of the Digital Technologies curriculum (Digital Systems, Data and Information, Creating Digital Solutions) that align closely with STEM concepts. This curriculum develops student’s thinking skills and encourages them to consider:
- What would happen if I …?
- Why do things currently work this way?
- What would happen if this part of it changed?
Students take part in activities that allow them to:
Recognise and explore patterns and sequences
Problem solve and use algorithms
Develop understanding and skills in computational thinking
Understand different digital systems such as binary codes
Develop collaboration and effective communication skills